11 Mar My system for getting sh*t done and setting yourself free
Today’s blog is sooo exciting! I’m going to share with you the system I’ve spent the last few years developing to help me stay motivated, get things done and overcome binge eating.
Implementing this system has changed everything for me and allowed me to set myself free. To say it’s a game changer would be an understatement!
People say, “God Shekira, you’ve achieved so much.” and I always tell them that I was able to get everything done because of a system that I have. The very same system I’m going to teach you today! Not only will it help you to become more productive, it will also create new, healthy eating habits that will enable you to reach your full potential. You’ll feel super energised, full of vitality, and become unstoppable.
What I’m going to share with you, is what I do when I’m working towards something in my life. This is the exact programme I follow to keep me on track with my eating, mental health and running my business.
We are going to talk about balancing everything, breaking up your day and tasks into manageable chunks, and micro goals.
Escaping the vicious circle:
First of all I want to help you get into the right mindset. Self-confidence is one of the things I used to struggle with. I had so many ideas: “I can do this and I can do that.” I’d get so excited, feel amazing and then a few days would pass, life would happen, and I’d go completely off-track and wouldn’t hit my goals. I’d feel like I was deluded. Everything I thought I could achieve was just a wish. This would affect my self-confidence and bring me down.
I’d feel at my absolute lowest after a binge. So disgusting and ashamed. I’d say to myself, “That’s it, I’m going on a diet” or, “I’m not eating tomorrow”, but then the same old bad eating habits would creep back in. I’d never achieve what I wanted and keep going round in circles.
Then I thought, how can I put a system in place that actually allows me to achieve my goals? I want to smash my business goals and stop eating the unhealthy foods I know I shouldn’t. If I can do this, I’ll feel really happy with what I’ve achieved and my self-confidence will increase. The two go hand in hand. My system might not be the same method that all the gurus use, but honestly it works. The first step is writing down what you want to achieve….
Write your goals down:
A good place to start is a ‘to do’ list whiteboard. Mine only cost £9.99 with the pens from Amazon. I love whiteboards. I have a huge one in my office and a couple dotted around the house. I love to write things down – I forget otherwise.
There is a lot of science behind writing down the things you want to get done and then looking at this every single day.
If you can, try and start this process today. If you don’t have a whiteboard, you could use a piece of paper, or save it in your notes on your phone. Anything will do, as long as you can make it visible.
It’s really important that you start this process today. Don’t put things off and procrastinate. Don’t wait until the kids are settled or you’ve got more time. You need to do it today.Honestly, it will pull you into the future like you will never believe! Writing a list can really help you to be consistent, motivated and productive. It’s also such an exciting thing to do, to focus on what lies ahead and everything you’re going to achieve.
So many of us walk around aimlessly, dilly-dallying around. We know we want to do things, but we don’t know how to get there. We don’t know which direction to go in. The steps I’m going to tell you about will get you where you want to be. There’s no more lying bed doing nothing, or feeling overwhelmed. Writing a list takes all your top priorities and helps you get them done. It takes all your ideas and health goals and turns them into actionable and manageable tasks you can work your way through.
What I’m trying to teach you, is that you need to overcome the person you have been, and become the person you want to be. Train your brain to believe that when you say you are going to do something, you are actually going to do it.
Micro goals:
Sometimes we have to scale way back and take tiny steps to reach our big goals. Think of a car: it can get up to 60 miles an hour, but it has to start at 1mph. Don’t run before you can walk!
What are your micro goals? Are they about your personal life, business, or family?
Focus on what is important to you and write down 3 goals you would like to achieve each week. Stick to 3 things at a time. Take it nice and slow and don’t take on too much. Make sure your goals are achievable. Studies show that if you try to change one habit at a time, you’re likely to have a 70 percent success rate. If you try to do two, it drops down to a 30 percent success rate. Make it three, or more, and it drops down to a 1 percent rate.
So we are training our brains to focus on a 1 percent improvement at a time. It will be slow but steady progress. You WILL make those changes when you stick to this process.
Some people try to change everything all at once, don’t stick to it and then end up staying exactly where they started. A 1 percent improvement is one percent of positive change that will take you closer towards that end goal. You are going to get there, but at a slower and more manageable pace.
Here are some examples of realistic micro goals:
I’m going to prep my meals
I want to learn more about my body
I’m going to try the miracle morning
I am going to book on to the Turn’d Up Fitness Instructor Training Course
I’m going to join On Demand so I can improve my dance skills
I’m going to go for a walk with my sister
I’ll read to the kids each day
I won’t look at my phone past 9pm
Write your own micro goals down. Then break these goals down by penciling 3 achievable things into your day that are going to help you reach your micro goals at the end of the week. As the day goes by, give them a big, fat, red tick. By the end of the week you will have achieved so much and you’ll have a written proof!
It feels good to reach goals, but do you know what feels better?Ticking them off!
You’re going to get to the end of the week, keep ticking off those goals, keep achieving and then hit the goal at the end. You haven’t just said you’re going to do something, you have achieved it.
You know what it’s like, all sorts of things pop up in the week and we get distracted. Then it’s really hard to reach your end goal
By setting tiny little micro goals, you’ve set up an achievable, step by step process. And guess what? It might take some time but you are DEFINITELY going to get there and reach the end goal. I know, because it has worked for me. I’m all for dreaming big, but you need to put achievable bitesize actions in place to get there.
Here’s a reminder of what you need to do:
Experiment with a whiteboard to keep your goals visible
Set yourself 3 goals a week
3 things a day
Make sure they are actionable steps
And most importantly….
Be realistic
One last thing…
After you’ve ticked off another set of micro goals, don’t forget to reward yourself at the end of the day. What special thing can you do for you? I love to reward myself with a nice hot bubble bath. I light some candles, put on a face mask and listen to my favourite mediation (here’s the link). It’s so relaxing and a great way to get some daily ‘me time’ to focus on myself and reflect on all the things I’ve achieved. It’s so important to do this, make sure you don’t leave it off your ‘to do’ list!
I hope my system will help you move forwards and become the person you want to be. Tell me in the comments below how it’s working for you, I’d love to know.

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